DAP (Web/ Desktop) - North America - Dashboard, DAP (Web) - North America - Multi Format Outputs, and 1 other service are down
Jun 18 at 02:10am UTC
DAP (Web) - North America - Multi Format Outputs recovered.
Affected services
DAP (Web) - North America - Multi Format Outputs
Jun 18 at 02:09am UTC
DAP (Web/ Desktop) - North America - Dashboard and DAP (Web) - North America - Push to Production Service recovered.
Affected services
DAP (Web/ Desktop) - North America - Dashboard
DAP (Web) - North America - Push to Production Service
Jun 18 at 01:46am UTC
DAP (Web) - North America - Push to Production Service went down.
Affected services
DAP (Web) - North America - Push to Production Service
Jun 18 at 01:45am UTC
DAP (Web/ Desktop) - North America - Dashboard went down.
Affected services
DAP (Web/ Desktop) - North America - Dashboard
Jun 18 at 01:44am UTC
DAP (Web) - North America - Multi Format Outputs went down.
Affected services
DAP (Web) - North America - Multi Format Outputs